How to avoid catastrophic disease in the seedling stage of autumn flavonoids

The disease of squatting disease and blighting disease is very serious to the seedling stage of Qiuyan solanaceous vegetables. If pesticide control is not carried out in time, serious dead seedlings will be caused, resulting in a decrease in the quality of vegetable yield and a loss of vegetable farmers.
First, the main symptoms 1. Tripping disease, is a fungal disease. From seed germination to seedlings growing 3 to 4 true leaves during the susceptible period, the seedlings before the emergence of the seedlings will lead to rotten seeds, the seedlings are sick after being unearthed, initially in the stem of the seedlings are water-immersed lesions, and then the lesions quickly The coil was expanded for 1 week, gradually narrowed into a linear shape, softened and folded, and the young leaves remained green.
2. Blight disease, a fungal disease. It occurs mostly in the middle and late stages of seedling formation. At the beginning of the disease, oval dark brown lesions are formed at the base of the stems of the seedlings. The diseased seedlings are wilting during the day and return to normal at night. Later, the lesions gradually expand and the plants stand upright and die.

Second, prevention and treatment methods 1. Seed disinfection. Seeding with new high-fat membrane before sowing (can be mixed with seed coating agent) can avoid underground pests, isolate virus infection, not affect germination and swelling function, strengthen breathing intensity and increase seed germination rate.
2. The greenhouse is clean. According to the pesticide network , in the vegetable growth period, the diseased plants are removed in time, the diseased leaves and old leaves are removed, and the dead leaves, roots and weeds in the greenhouse are removed in time, and the tree guards are sprayed and destroyed. The pathogens supply the source and the osmotic elimination of the virus can effectively reduce the source of infection in the growing season and the squatting vegetables.
3. Strengthen management. The seedling stage of Qiuyan solanaceous vegetables is susceptible to bad weather such as heavy rain and hot sun, resulting in thinning of seedlings and decreased disease resistance. Management should be strengthened, and rain and sun exposure should be strengthened. Spraying new high-fat film at the seedling stage can effectively prevent the moisture on the ground from evaporating, the moisture of the seedlings is not transpiration, isolate the pests and diseases, shorten the slow seedling period, quickly adapt to the new environment, grow healthily, and enhance the disease resistance.
4. Physical regulation. During the growing season of vegetables, spraying vegetables with strong stems can thicken the stems, the leaves are thick, the leaves are fresh and tender, and the natural taste is strong. At the same time, it can improve the ability to resist disasters, reduce the amount of pesticides and fertilizers, and reduce residual poisons.
5. Spray control. It is recommended to use low-toxic and non-residual bio-pesticides . In the early stage of seedling disease, 72.2% Plex water agent 400 times solution + new high fat film 600 times solution, 2 to 3 liters per square meter of spray liquid, and 15% of carbaryl water agent 450 times solution. When the stagnation disease and the blight are mixed, 72.2% Plex water 800 times solution plus 50% thiram double WP 800 times solution + new high fat film 600 times liquid spray can be used to improve the efficacy.