Beauty cherry breeding method

Beauty cherry breeding method:

The beauty of cherry blossoms is mainly used for cutting and layering, and it can also be planted or planted. Sowing can be carried out in spring or autumn, often in spring. Sowing in the greenhouse in early spring, transplanting 2 pieces of true leaves, and planting in late April. Autumn sowing needs to enter the low temperature greenhouse for wintering. In April of the next year, it can be planted in the open field to bloom early. Sowing at the end of April, you can bloom in July. Repeated watering after sowing will reduce the germination rate, so the soil should be thoroughly poured before sowing.

Maintain soil and air humidity after sowing. The plants can be moved into the greenhouse for winter, and the next year is used as the parent plant for breeding cuttings. Cuttings can be carried out in April-July at a temperature of 15-20 °C, cutting a slightly hardened new shoot, cutting into 6 cm cuttings, and inserting them into a greenhouse sand bed or an open seedbed. Shade after cutting, after 2-3 days, it can be slightly exposed to sunlight, which promotes growth. New roots are emitted after about 15 days. When the seedlings grow 5-6 leaves, they can be transplanted. When they grow to 7-8 cm, they can be colonized. After the plant survives, it will pick up the heart at the right time, and promote the flourishing branches and flowers. In Shanghai, the seedlings are often cultivated in a cold bed or a low-temperature greenhouse in the autumn of September. In the spring of the next year, they are cut with new branches and planted in the flower beds of the open field. The litchi can also be used for the beading. After the rooting, the joints of the knots and the nodes are cut and divided. Planted into seedlings. Seeding and breeding is usually less used in production in September. In the lower part of the warm ground, the winter can be exposed to the ground, and the ramets are propagated in the early spring.


For flower beds, it should be planted early, and the residual flowers should be cut off after flowering to prolong the flowering period. Timely fertilization, watering, timely cultivating and weeding, and timely draining during the rainy season. Cultivated beauty cherry should choose loose, fertile and well-drained soil. Because of its shallow root system, water should be paid in the summer to prevent drought. Every half month, you need to apply a thin fertilizer once to make it develop well. During the curing period, the water should not be too much or too little, such as excessive water, the stems are weak and long, and the flowering is very little; if the fertilizer is lacking, the plant grows poorly and has early seeding. Strong and robust plants have strong resistance to pests and diseases, and few pests and diseases occur.

The seedlings to be planted should not be too large, so as to avoid detachment of lateral branches, and the plant spacing is generally about 40 cm. Early picking the heart to promote the second branch. Cut the flower head after the flower, water the water in summer, and apply 1-2 times of liquid fertilizer. The wintering flower plants in the south of the Yangtze River only leave the underground part to winter in the soil, and in the coming year, they use new branches to cut or sown. The seeds are harvested and harvested in a single harvest.